Tomorrow will mark five months of marriage for my husband and I. It has been bliss. I love it more and more every day. These are some of my favorite photos from our wedding. Our friend Jay Eads did the photography and rocked it. Look him up. He's legit.
For some reason this image captivates me: I'm not girly yet here I am, getting dolled up.
My grandfather: my favorite and a shining example of redemptive love.

Ezra Steven Cantrall: he joined this world a month and nine days before our wedding.
My dad's face breaks my heart. An amazing moment.

Our first moment seeing one another in our wedding clothes. Speechless.

Six of my best friends from high school and the father of another who couldn't be with us. We saved her a seat though.

Prince and Princesse: my two favorite Rwandese kids.
Our good friend Joshua. This picture reminds me of God's perfect protection.

Julia looks up. I love her innocent wonder.
Our version of cutting the cake. Home made 3.5 pound truffle.

I've seen that picture of you girls and Frank before, but for some reason it always makes me sad. Gloria was a great girl. You all look great as well! Jamie you were seriously the most beautiful bride! :)