The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart... King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharoah's daughter - Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, "You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods." Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 1 Kings 10.24 & 11.1-3
Solomon had everything, literally. The power of his rule was wide, the wealth of his kingdom was unmatched, and the wisdom in hi heart was supernaturally bestowed. He had the ear of the entire world, and was vastly respected. And yet there is a 'however' in his story. There is a 'but.' Solomon was led astray by his lust for women and ultimately lost everything. God had given him all that he had wanted, including infinite wisdom, but because he would not let go (literally and figuratively) of these foreign women, he lost it all. He would not let go of the company he was keeping, he wouldn't let go of the unhealthy relationships. God removed his blessing because of Solomon's prostituted heart. Solomon traded communion with an infinite God for earthly pleasure. He traded intimacy with his Creator for immediate gratification. Its a huge tragedy, really...
And yet, isn't this a familiar story? People, on a daily basis, trade God given gifts for fleeting joys. They trade their marriages for quick kicks. They trade the health of their families for more hours on the job to accumulate more stuff. They trade intimacy with the One true God for earthly idols that will only prove false and devoid of lasting substance in the end. And these 'people' are us. These people are me, you, Christians. Its easy to think its a 'secular' problem, but the chasing and lusting and 'intermarrying' with earthly idols transcends ever walk of life and every cultural or social border. The packaging just looks different from person to person.
How do we ever expect to love on other people, to have healthy families and marriages, and to see lives restored if we have such a basic and foundational principal so messed up and out of focus? I heard in a conference recently, "You can only minister out of the overflow of your own life." This is glaringly true, but we have to look with clear eyes and the right perspective to adequately and truthfully evaluate this. Its not only important, its absolutely vital for the world.
Let me not be blinded by my idols any longer.
Let there not be a 'however' written into the story of my life.
Lord, please open my eyes. I don't want to 'hold on in love' to things that You have already called detestable and unacceptable. Forgive me for prostituting my heart and running after things besides You. Thank You for Your grace and love, but please help. I love You and don't want to be the same tomorrow. Grow me. Amen.